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Airsoftas, Šratasvydis > Karinė Ekipuotė > Kiti aksesuarai   Atgal

Camo tape - Flecktarn

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Vilnius: NĖRA

Užsakymai pateikti iki 17h išsiunčiami tą pačią darbo dieną, dažniausiai pristatomi sekančią darbo dieną.
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Camouflage Tape

A cotton camouflaging tape that is ideal as a replica or any other piece of equipment camouflage. A stretchy material that ideally adheres to camouflaged surface.

A camouflage tape is a good alternative for people who do not wish to paint their replicas in order to improve their camouflage value. Aside from providing camouflage, the tape also grants a small degree of protection against scratches.
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