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Airsoftas, Šratasvydis > Airsoft dalys, aksesuarai > Išorinės detalės > Duslintuvai   Atgal

Covert Tactical Standard 35x100mm silencer

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Vilnius: NĖRA

Užsakymai pateikti iki 17h išsiunčiami tą pačią darbo dieną, dažniausiai pristatomi sekančią darbo dieną.
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Covert Tactical Standard 35x100mm silencer

The sound suppressor is made of PA6 aluminum with the use of CNC tooling, it is ended with a 14mm thread from both sides, both counter and clockwise. It is equipped with foam which ensures the silencing properties.

It is powder coated in black what ensures a unique structure of the sound suppressor and a very good durability of the surface.

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