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Akumuliatoriai, pakrovėjai > Pakrovėjai > Priedai pakrovėjams > Temperatūros davikliai   Atgal

iMax pakrovėjo temperatūros jutiklis

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Kaunas: NĖRA
Vilnius: NĖRA

Užsakymai pateikti iki 17h išsiunčiami tą pačią darbo dieną, dažniausiai pristatomi sekančią darbo dieną.
Prekės informacija
Gaminio savybės

The iMax Temperature sensor is designed to work with both the iMax B6 and B8 model chargers. This sensor works with the integrated software in the charger to monitor the battery temperature, and terminate the charge cycle if the battery gets hotter than the temperature selected by the user. This feature adds a degree of safety, by turning off the charger before the battery gets hot enough to cause damage.

On the B6 charger, this temperature sensor plugs directly into the charger in a port located just to the right of the power input cable as shown below.
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